algorithm & data structure

Implement Circular Queue using array

kimyounggyun 2024. 4. 19. 10:24

A circular queue is an extended version of a regular queue. Unlike a linear queue, the last element of a circular queue connects back to the first element, forming a circular structure. This is useful for efficiently managing fixed-size data buffers.

WIKIPEDIA - Circular buffer

Advantages of Circular Queues

  1. Efficient Space Utilization: The circular nature allows reusing spaces once occupied by dequeued elements, avoiding the "overflow" issue common in linear queues.
  2. Fixed Size Management: Ideal for scenarios where the size is fixed and limited, such as buffering in hardware systems.


  1. Complexity: Managing the front and rear pointers requires careful consideration, especially in detecting when the queue is full or empty.
  2. Limited Capacity: Once the queue is full, additional enqueues cannot happen until space is freed.

Time Complexity Analysis

Let \(n\) represent the number of elements in the queue:

  • Enqueue: \(O(1)\)
  • Dequeue: \(O(1)\)
  • Peek/Front: \(O(1)\)
  • Check if Full or Empty: \(O(1)\)

Circular Queue Implementation Using an Array in C++

Header Implementation

Implementation Details

Example Usage


A circular queue efficiently handles fixed-size buffers with constant time complexity for both enqueue and dequeue operations. It is particularly useful in applications like round-robin scheduling and data buffering where limited, cyclic memory management is crucial.

Round robin scheduling